Can someone direct @CitizenofEarth to the "Wow, I do not recognize this religion anymore" thread? I'm not sure how to navigate this site properly yet.
Basically, @CitizenofEarth, the entire thing is a total circus. That's all.
anything i should be aware of?
i am not sure i will go, since i just moved away from home a month ago.
it is not cheap to travel 250km and pay for hotel here in denmark, and i am not exactly rich.
Can someone direct @CitizenofEarth to the "Wow, I do not recognize this religion anymore" thread? I'm not sure how to navigate this site properly yet.
Basically, @CitizenofEarth, the entire thing is a total circus. That's all.
this weekend thousands of people are gathering at the scheels arena in celebration of their faith.. jehovah's witnesses from around the world are assembling for the "don't give up" convention.. .
the morning starts with a music presentation and then continues on through the day with prayer, song, and speeches.. the theme centers around supporting each other and including everyone in the good will.. everyone is invited and all questions regarding jehovah's witnesses are welcome.. really?
Weird how "Satan's media" gives WT good PR.
if memory serves me, when it was first introduced elders had to fill out a form to grade a jw, and only those who made the grade could do the carts.. i didn’t realize until sir82 said something on another discussion that the process had changed.. what is the process nowadays?
@stuckinarut2 I don't know how you kept witnessing while being awake. If I had the gall to still go house-to-house or even sit at the cart, I'd tell anyone who came in contact with me "psst - get out of here. It's a cult. I'm being held against my will. Run for your life!" While smiling and handing them the literature, my eyes would be blinking to the Morse Code rhythm of SOS.
just approached a cart then with two jw girls holding out mags.
they continued chatting to each other about car insurance when i took the watchtower from one of their hands.. ok, so it looks like i'll have to get the ball rolling.
i asked if they were jehovahs witness.
Too bad the carts don't have customer satisfaction feedback forms. I'd want to speak to their manager!
i think that christianity's teachings pose a very unproductive world view and are a danger to our survival.
their teachings that man is sinful and worthy of death and in need of a savior to rescue him and free him of his sinful tendencies or else feel the wrath of god.
these things that condemn man as sinful are his own powerful drives given to him at conception which he now must deny due to indoctrination and consign to his shadow(jungian).
@ttdtt Woody Allen wryly remarked that masturbation is merely "sex with someone you love." I don't know anyone that's loved their rapist. Alas, if you're a self-hating Christian, then ja... that's self-rape.
it's not enough that we simply raise empirical challenges to these iron age beliefs saying, "jesus didn't really rise from the dead" or "muhammad didn't really fly to heaven on a horse.
" we must also give no quarter to this falsehood that religion can give peoples lives real meaning.
the truths about our identity, experience, and the future impacts that our decision will have on the world around us are much deeper and more profound than any culture or religion.
Sam Harris once said: "If I told you that I thought there was a diamond the size of a refrigerator buried in my backyard, and you asked me, why do you think that? I say, this belief gives my life meaning, or my family draws a lot of joy from this belief, and we dig for this diamond every Sunday and we have this gigantic pit in our lawn. I would start to sound like a lunatic to you. You can't believe there really is a diamond in your backyard because it gives your life meaning. If that's possible, that's self-deception that nobody wants."
we all know how the society likes to say that they alone "dispense spiritual food from jehovah" through the f&ds / gb.
the claim was that from russell's day, the society alone is gods channel.... so that got me thinking.... if they dispense spiritual food, yes spiritual nourishment to all witnesses, that clearly implies that all the past wrong teachings, and incorrect doctrines and practices must not have been "nourishing spiritual food" right?.
in effect, they were just like parents that order a fast food drive through "meal" to keep the kids happy and fill the hole in their tummy.. yes, rather than providing a well prepared and healthy nourishing meal, a quick-fix junk food fill was sufficient.
You know, way before I woke up, I was semi-aware of the "old light" history of the organization. I made a comment to my father with all sincerity (and it's something I stand by to this day): "We might look back and laugh at some of the ludicrous claims and teachings that the Society dispensed not even fifty years ago. I promise you that in fifty years, the new wave of Witnesses will look back at what the Society is telling us is 'truth' today and laugh at our silly old light." His response was, "well, if you really think the world will continue for another fifty years..." and trailed off. I didn't miss a beat. I said "YES! Because fifty years ago, they didn't think the world would be around for another five years!" I've never believed in the new system. Not even when I was in the organization. I could never see this world coming to a cataclysmic/divine end the way the Society presents it.
@stuckinarut2 Nailed it.
we all know watchtower doesn't encourage their members do research for themselves.
can anyone point out any articles where it mentions this?
any help would be appreciated.
@scratchme1010 You actually underestimate the brazenness of WT's demands for members to "shut their ears" to any information from outside the WT. I'm not kidding - that's their actual words. In a fantastic twist of irony, here is the FINEST example of propaganda in this article about... propaganda:
Propaganda 101: Instill fear into the hearts of your victims. Opening words of this latest WT article? "YOU are under attack!" The rest of the article is a contradictory battery of nonsense, terrifying Witnesses from looking outside WT approved literature. Sad. Really sad.
@doubtfull1799 Trees touched on the "free will" explanation given to those who question why we live in a state of despair instead of paradise. It's always funny to hear "God created us with free will." That is a self-cancelling statement in itself.
JW: Do you not agree that God created us with the gift of free will?
Thinking Humanoid: Of course we have free will! That's what the Boss gave us. We have no choice but to have free will.
Really. Just think about it.